Full of spiritual meaning for mapuche people.
This is one of the most important religious ceremony in wich all the families stay together in order to share their faith and sacrifices during two or more days. In this ceremony mapuche people ask for good harvest, peace, success, good health. And thank to Ngnechen ( God ) for everything they want.
They organize a Nguillatun when the Lonko ( boss) has a dream ( peuma) that tells him that a new ceremony is needed in an specific territory ( lof ) ( this happens each two or more years in a place called Nguillatuwe.
The Nguillatun is more than a ceremony or a prayer, is a spiritual relationship between the universe, nature, humanity and God ( Ngnechen ).
Ein Nguillatún ist viel mehr als nur ein Bittgebet, es geht um die Kommunikation mit dem Kosmos. Durch die spirituellen Kräfte der Natur wird die Beziehung mit Gott (Ngnechen) gepflegt
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